We are pleased to share the 16 grantees from the 2024 Sustainable Peering Infrastructure program. This program works with local communities to build Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) in markets where they are needed; enhance existing IXPs to realize their full potential; and supports organizations and communities that develop peering and interconnection. There are two types of funding available in the program: IXP Operational Support and Peering Ecosystem Support.
IXP Operational Support
IXP Operational Support grants fund the establishment or upgrading of IXPs to help them realize their full potential in the Internet ecosystem. 10 IXP Operational Support grants were awarded in 2024:
ARMIX – Armenia – USD $49,600 The objective of this project is to enhance the operations of ARMIX and boost traffic exchange within the region. By upgrading their core, their power supply, and their cooling equipment, ARMIX will be able to provide enhanced services to their members, increase the volume of their operations, and ensure proper development of the IXP for the future.
Berytech Foundation – Lebanon – USD $49,802 The project aims to allow Beirut-IX – managed by Berytech – to conduct crucial maintenance activities; upgrade and improve equipment to avoid power interruptions and overheating; and install and operate an IXP Manager platform, which is essential to enhancing the daily operations of the IXP.
BFIX – Burkina Faso – USD $50,000 This project includes two primary aims; first, to supply and install local hosting infrastructure and to promote local hosting in partnership with other stakeholders and second, to facilitate two technical workshops for current and potential members of the IXP.
Internet Society Manitoba Chapter – Canada – USD $32,044 The project involves upgrading and replacing existing network switches adding newer servers that host services for the MBIX. By replacing outdated hardware, the project seeks to meet current and future operational demands, accommodating growing traffic volumes, and ensuring the network’s readiness for technological advancements and increased connectivity requirements.
HubSIX – Senegal – USD $40,000 The project aims to support the acquisition of equipment; installation and set-up of the HubSIX (Hub Services Internet Exchange) platform; and hosting on the Point of Presence. Additionally, the HubSIX will facilitate monthly training sessions and develop a neutral marketplace for both suppliers and customers to access.
iRENALA – Madagascar – USD $49,958 MGIX (Madagascar Global Internet eXchange) was the first Malagasy Internet exchange point, created with the support of several national and international partners. This project aims to restart MGIX for a preliminary test period after a suspension of operation in 2019. Through the restart and relaunch, they plan to make MGIX operational and autonomous, attracting members and increasing traffic.
Internet Society Lesotho Chapter – Lesotho – USD $39,476 The project aims to enhance the capacity and performance of the Lesotho Internet Exchange Point (LIXP) by upgrading network equipment, power supply and cooling systems, and security enhancements. The project also includes capacity-building for local technical professionals to ensure long-term sustainability of the IXP and community engagement and outreach to foster greater participation and collaboration among stakeholders.
Myanmar Internet Exchange Association (MMIX) – Myanmar – USD $49,645 The project aims to increase capacity of two existing IXPs through equipment upgrading at one site and achieving redundancy at the second. Additionally, the project includes trainings aimed at educating local network operators and ISPs about peering best practices, network optimization, and interconnection strategies.
Internet Society Paraguay Chapter – Paraguay – USD $50,000 The project aims to implement a second IXP in Paraguay, in collaboration with other national stakeholders. The project will reduce latency; increase traffic volume, stability, and security; and also includes a training component.
Rwanda Internet Community and Technology Alliance Ltd. (RICTA) – Rwanda – USD $44,939 The project aims to replace RINEX’s aging equipment with cutting-edge technology and improve their training lab. This will enhance network performance, increase reliability, and increase the number of participants who access the lab during training.
Peering Ecosystem Support
Peering Ecosystem Support grants fund projects that strengthen peering and interconnection at a local or regional level through capacity building, training, community building, or infrastructure development. 6 Peering Ecosystem Support grants were awarded in 2024:
Asociación para América Latina y el Caribe de Operadores de Puntos de Intercambio de Tráfico – Latin America & Caribbean (LAC-IX) – USD $9,949 This project aims to support the expansion of services to LAC-IX members including enhancing the website to create more tools for members; disseminating information about best practices; and hosting webinars, meeting, and technical workshops, etc. The project funding also supports vital tools to facilitate communications such as simultaneous interpretation for virtual and/or in-person meetings.
CAMIX – Cameroon – USD $15,081 The project aims to improve the national ecosystem in Cameroon by working in collaboration with the Internet Society Cameroon Chapter, the Cameroonian network operators’ group, cmNOG, and other stakeholders. The grant funding will support workshops for members of IXPs in the country and support the peering ecosystem there.
NAMEX – Kosovo – USD $49,705 The grant, facilitated by the Nautilus Mediterranean Exchange Point (NAMEX), will be used to support KOSIX to acquire hardware and train IXP operators to improve the resilience and the functionality of the IXP. This includes upgrading existing UPS and servers as well as developing a virtual server infrastructure and training of IXP staff to configure, manage, and support this hardware.
Internet Society Lebanon Chapter – Lebanon – USD $49,000 The project seeks to support a fair and inclusive governance model and establish a sustainable peering infrastructure community in Lebanon. The project not only enhances local traffic exchange but also supports the development of a robust and resilient internet ecosystem in Lebanon, increasing resiliency, reducing latency, improving network performance, and fostering a more sustainable digital environment.
ZANOG Association – South Africa – USD $10,000 Project funding will support ZANOG, a small regional NOG, to cover various expenses related to national events that they host to support the peering ecosystem in South Africa. This includes covering some administration and travel costs; expenses related to their cache-fill work; upgrading storage to provide more tools for the community; and additional support for their members.
Internet Society Zimbabwe Chapter – Zimbabwe – USD $19,900 This project aims to address issues related to high latency, limited bandwidth, and costly access. The project is structured in two phases; first, assessment and stakeholder engagement will assess the current state of peering in the country and consult with relevant stakeholders; second, the Zimbabwe chapter will implement infrastructure development, host a peering forum, and launch awareness-raising campaigns.
The Sustainable Peering Infrastructure program is made possible thanks to the support of organizations like ICANN and Meta. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our website.