Internet Way of Networking – Building Capacity and Improving Awareness on Policy Implications

1 February 2024
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Privacy is Security: Communicating the Importance of Encryption for All

1 February 2024
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Capacity Building in Introduction to Community Networks – Technical Design and Fundraising

1 February 2024
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Public Policies and Internet Access Regulation: Designing New Routes to Bridge the Digital Divide

1 February 2024
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Criptofunk 2022

1 February 2024
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Event Support – “CriptoFrevo” and “IV Seminário Governança das Redes”

1 February 2024
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Digital Inclusion in Brazilian Municipalities: Policy Advocacy regarding Bill 1938/22

1 February 2024
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Digital Sovereignty: For What and For Whom? An Analysis from the Brazilian context

4 January 2024
Project members making a presentation at a conference

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT  The project seeks to qualify the academic and public policy debate on digital sovereignty, starting with an analysis from the Brazilian context, exploring its socio-technical dimensions and technological and legal challenges. To this end, it seeks to conceptually and empirically identify the contours of sovereignty imaginaries constructed from stakeholders’ narratives from…

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Advancing Technologies to Enhance Community Networks’ Connectivity

4 January 2024
Aerial View of River in Rainforest, Amazon, Latin America

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT  The project focuses on testing wireless technologies to enhance connectivity for sparse, low-density communities, especially in the Northern region of Brazil, with applicability to other regions as well. It aims to accumulate expertise for deploying various forms of connectivity to achieve quality, affordable, permanent access in these communities.  This project aims…

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Deployment and expansion of community networks in the Baixada Campista in rural areas in the north of Rio de Janeiro

4 January 2024

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT  The project goal is to provide the necessary support for the deployment, expansion, and/or improvement of the community networks’ infrastructure in the Marrecas, Quixaba, and Barra do Açu communities and in the Baixada Campista complex, ensuring that these communities can have stable, fast, and accessible Internet connections, which contributes to the…

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