Projet de renforcement en capacités des enseignants et des élèves pour la maitrise du numérique.

4 January 2024
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MAKAIA’s Coding and Employment Bootcamp for Vulnerable Youth

4 January 2024
A screen with a code.

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT   The project aims to build technological and programming skills among 423 NEET youth (“not in Education, Employment, or Training”) in Colombia so they have better employment and economic development opportunities. The project develops a training platform and employment model that finds, trains, and connects high-potential talent with employers in the tech…

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Conectad@s 2.0

4 January 2024
Project beneficiaries meeting in Bogota, Colombia.

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT  Conectad@s 2.0 seeks to increase the resilience and empowerment of 500 women entrepreneurs in 5 departments of Colombia (Casanare, Cundinamarca, Huila, Nariño, Cauca), enabling women entrepreneurs to continue their economic recovery after the pandemic and to cope with future economic, social and environmental impacts. The Internet and technology will be used…

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