Internet Society Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting #5
VIP Lounge B, Level 4, Raffles City Convention Center, Singapore
Sunday, 24 November
All times shown in UTC
Open to Observers Session
1. Welcome, Apologies and Declaration of Conflicts – G. Camarillo (5 mins)
2. Document resolutions approved by e-vote since the July 2019 board meeting. – J. Levine (5 mins)
Resolution F2019-XX: Re-charter the Strategic Advisory Committee
RESOLVED, that the name of the Program Advisory Committee is changed to the Strategic Advisory Committee, and that the revised committee charter is approved as presented in a draft on September 11, 2019. All members of the committee continue as members of the new committee with their existing terms.
Resolution F2019-XX: Approve the minutes of ISOC Foundation board meeting 4
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the fourth meeting of the Board of Trustees, held in Montreal on July 28, 2019 are approved.
3. Update on 2019 activities – S. Armstrong (45 mins)
PURPOSE: To receive an update on Foundation activities since July.
No resolution required.
Lunch in VIP Lounge A (50 mins)
Resume in Open to Observers Session
4. Proposed Action Plan for the Foundation for 2020 – S. Armstrong (50 mins)
PURPOSE: To receive an overview of the 2020 Action Plan for the Foundation.
No resolution required.
Move to Closed Executive Session
05:40 -06:00
5. Proposed Budget for the Foundation for 2020 – S. Spector (20 mins)
PURPOSE: To receive an overview of the 2020 Budget for the Foundation.
No resolution required.
Move to Open to Observers Session
6. Approve the 2020 Foundation Plan and related budget resolutions – G. Camarillo (10 mins)
PURPOSE: To approve the 2020 Foundation Plan and related budget resolutions.
Resolution 2019-XX: Approve the 2020 Foundation Action Plan and Operational Budget
RESOLVED, that the Internet Society Foundation Board approves the 2020 Foundation Action Plan and Operational Budget, as presented.
Resolution 2019-XX: Approve Board Designated Funds for Chapter Capacity and SCILL Programs
RESOLVED, that the Internet Society Foundation Board approves an additional $500,000 for Chapter Capacity – Beyond the Net and $500,000 for the Strengthening Communities Improving Lives and Livelihoods (SCILL) program.
Resolution 2019-XX: Approve contribution to the IETF LLC 2020 Operational Budget
WHEREAS the Internet Society and IETF Administration LLC (“IETF”) are parties to the Limited Liability Company Agreement of IETF Administration LLC dated as of August 27, 2018 (the “IETF Operating Agreement”); and
WHEREAS the Internet Society shall contribute $5,000,000 to the IETF to fund its annual operating expenses for the 2021 budget year (the “Operating Expense Contribution”), such contribution to be delivered prior to December 31, 2020; and
WHEREAS the Internet Society Foundation will be contributing $5,000,000 of the Operating Expense Contribution on behalf of the Internet Society;
RESOLVED, that the Internet Society Foundation’s contribution of the Operating Expense Contribution to IETF is hereby approved.
7. Any other business (5 mins)