Artificial intelligence and humanity

1 February 2024
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CONNECT 2.0 (COVID Operations Non-Profit Network Emergency Connectivity Team)

4 January 2024
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Initiation to IoT: Privacy and Personal Data Protection 2022 (Phase 3)

4 January 2024
Project beneficiaries

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT  The project aims to promote a greater understanding of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Madagascar. The project will teach IoT basics through training workshops organized with the support of experts, for people interested in deepening their knowledge on this subject. The trainings were piloted and refined in three regions in…

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Internet for everyone: Towards removing the language barrier for underrepresented languages on the internet.

4 January 2024

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT  CENIA is working towards a pivotal contribution in making content available to anyone by extending the largest open-source translation engine to support 204 languages, including new low-resource languages and by developing and open-sourcing an associated online translation engine, which will be specially designed for language inclusivity.  This novel online translation engine…

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Transforming the Responsibility for Trusted Denial-of-Service Mitigation in the Internet

4 January 2024
Computer LCD screen with multiple pings. Virus and DDOS attack concept

The question addressed in this research is how to transform the cost of mitigating Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks on the Internet from a burden on the potential victim to a burden on attackers. Reducing the cost of mitigation DoS attacks to the victims and increasing that burden on the attackers helps enhance trust in the network.…

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Internet Poverty Index (IPI): Methodology, Additional Granularity, Interactive Data Platform & Annual Rankings

4 January 2024

RESEARCH QUESTION  In order to further support the equitable increase of global Internet usage, this research project leverages the current Internet Poverty Index (IPI) — developed by World Data Lab (WDL) with support from the Internet Society Foundation — and upgrades its features to analyze and model with greater granularity the segments of the population…

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Costs of Exclusion: Gendered Experiences of Meaningful Connectivity through a Global Pandemic

4 January 2024
Concept photo that shows a man and a woman next to a image with the equal sign.

RESEARCH QUESTION  Did the digital gender gap mean that women and men experienced the COVID-19 pandemic differently, and what are the microeconomic and macroeconomic consequences of this gap? Did governments take action and succeed in fast-tracking access to Affordable and Meaningful Connectivity as a result of the pandemic? What specific actions proved to be impactful in…

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The Critical Infrastructure Lab

4 January 2024
Project team members

RESEARCH QUESTION  The main research question is: How does Internet infrastructure reconfigure power relationships and resource dependencies, and how could it better serve the public interest?  In order to answer the question, the research develops three research streams: environment, geopolitics, and standards. (1) The research on the topic of environment explores the relationship between natural…

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Designing & Defining a Digital World in Children’s Best Interests

4 January 2024
Project beneficiaries participating in an activity

RESEARCH QUESTION  In the context of the new tech regulations being passed around the world demanding that digital products and services are built and work in ways that promote “children’s best interests”; the research objective is to explore and define what “children’s best interests” means and how this relates to what children want and trust.…

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The Effect of Social Media Platforms on Neglected Countries and Diaspora Communities: An Investigation into the Eritrean Case

4 January 2024

RESEARCH QUESTION  The research aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the manner in which social media platforms are used by Eritreans in the country and diaspora communities, including an analysis of the role of social media platforms in the Tigray conflict. The main research question is: What is the impact of social media platforms…

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