Ivana Strineka-Trbovic
I’m a Senior Web Manager, responsible for the daily operations and development roadmap of the Internet Society websites. I help improve user experience and website performance, ensuring our web content is accessible and appealing to a broader audience while meeting industry best practices and aligning with our organization’s strategy and brand.
A linguist by training and a graduate of Kyoto University in Japan and the University of Belgrade in Serbia, I’m passionate about languages, people’s cultures, and communication channels. While studying in Japan as a Japanese government scholarship recipient, I was surrounded with people from more than 20 different countries. This experience helped me understand that how we communicate is as essential as what we say. I speak Serbian, English, Japanese, and Bulgarian, read Russian, and know the basics of Spanish and French.
When I’m not in the WordPress land of blocks, I spend time with my family, helping my boys study or playing board games. I also enjoy exploring Serbia’s nature, traveling abroad, and swimming.