Congratulations on your award!
Your funding from the Internet Society Foundation is an important achievement that we encourage you to share with your community. This grant partner communications kit provides guidance to support you in spreading the word about your project. It covers:
- Internet Society Foundation Acknowledgment Guidance
- Making the most of the Internet Society Foundation Grant Announcement Process
- Ideas for sharing your news with the public
- Storytelling for impact
- Logos
Staying in touch with the Internet Society Foundation
In addition to the guidelines above, please make the most of your connection with the Internet Society Foundation by staying in touch:
Sign up to our press mailing list
Internet Society Foundation Acknowledgment Guidance
The guidelines below refer to “credit line,” “logo,” and “Internet Society Foundation boilerplate language.” Here’s what we mean by those terms:
Credit Line
"This project was made possible through funding from the Internet Society Foundation."
"This project was made possible in part through funding from the Internet Society Foundation."
Please see the Internet Society Foundation logo guidelines
Acknowledgment of Support in Grant Products
We encourage acknowledgment of Internet Society Foundation support in all grant products, publications, and websites developed with Internet Society Foundation funding. Acknowledgment should include the credit line and the Internet Society Foundation logo, where space permits. Posters or brochures about Internet Society Foundation-funded programs and projects may also include the Internet Society Foundation logo.
Acknowledgment of Support in Publicity and Public Events
News Releases
The Internet Society Foundation boilerplate and logo should be used in your press releases. (See boilerplate and logo guidelines).
Social Media
You may make use of the social media messages the Internet Society Foundation generates on the day of the grant award announcement. On that day, feel free to reshare the Internet Society Foundation social media message about the grant program awards and “like” or comment on our social channels. If you issue your own posts, be sure to tag us in your messages.
Press Events
Internet Society Foundation support should be orally acknowledged during all news media interviews, including radio, television, and press conferences.
Public Events
At programs or public gatherings related to your award, acknowledge the Internet Society Foundation orally. Display the logo on signage at events. See Foundation logo guidelines for details.
Recorded audio/video
Audio/video broadcasts should include the tagline, “This project is made possible by a grant from the Internet Society Foundation. Video broadcasts should display the Internet Society Foundation logo.
If you have questions regarding the forms of acknowledgment, contact the Office of Communications at [email protected].

Communications contact
If you have any questions, please contact our Office of Communications:
[email protected]
Grant Partner Comms Toolkit
- Internet Society Foundation acknowledgment guidance
- Making the most of the Internet Society Foundation Grant Announcement Process
- Ideas for sharing your news with the public
- Storytelling for impact
- Logos